Tuesday, September 22, 2020

plaster of paris


this is my tile we made it at art week with mr s.

first we got 

.1 cup of water mixed with plaster  

.2 to 3 cups of sand in a ice-cream container

sceond we 

.got some letters for our initilas and some animals for our fav animals

third mr s came around with 

fourth we 

.put our names on the side of the  ice-cream container so we don`t get mudled up

then we had to wait for it to dry.

sixth we got to paint our tiles however we wanted.

by pippa

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

 hi this week we have been working on what confidence is and confidence is`nt .

we have been watching brian and bobby video clips.

confidence is....

.when you stand up for you and your friends and yourself

.your not scared of being yourself

. your not scared of putting your hand up

confidence is`nt.... 

.when you try to be someone else

.when you don`t tell the teacher in a bully because you know he will do something to you